What is the Phrase? 'When one Door Closes.....'

September 19, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

My nearly 30-year career as a radio & tv broadcaster (most of it as a meteorologist) came to an abrupt halt three days ago, when management called me into an office, closed the door and uttered those three words, 'We're not renewing,' followed by, 'you are relieved of your duties immediately.'

It didn't come as a total surprise. Earlier this year I was in a meeting with one of my bosses regarding my upcoming renewal. Up until that day, whenever discussion came up about my tenure at work, I always heard the phrase, ' We really like what you do, and we would like nothing better than your doing that here forever.'   

However, at that particular meeting ....... it was never uttered. Nothing close to it. 

Today, 3 days later, I sit at my desk and update resumes. I register at temporary agencies. I submit applications to jobs that appear in the gazillion e-mails that online employment agencies send after making you give up your email to see their listings. I keep busy so that fear won't get in my head and remove my drive and confidence. 

I am also editing photos; photos of a few assignments from a local magazine. Aside from my relationship with 'The Man Upstairs' and spending time with my husband, this is what brings me happiness. For me, the chance to photograph people for this magazine was one of those brass rings I'd often dreamt of grabbing.  I had only recently started taking my photography seriously.  I had been one of those people who loved the feel of a camera since the day my folks gave me an old Brownie. I took pictures, but never had a clue about composition, light... anything. Then, out of the blue one day, I had the urge to take the cameras out and shoot. I never put them away after that and I devour anything and everything I can to make my photographs better each day. 

Today's economy requires our household to have 2 streams of income, so I work urgently to find one for my contribution. Two things I know I will demand of myself:  after 13 years of working weekends, I must not work weekends. The other is that I have fun with my photography business.  I don't know how successful I'll be tomorrow, but today all my friends and family are safe and healthy. We have our needs met and the bills paid.  I hold a camera and a cheque should be coming in the mail. Life is blessed. 





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