While on location its far more convenient for everyone involved if the background is chosen from whats available at the location - sometimes its amazing, and sometimes its...not. Its also harder to control the environment when its an on-location session, but beautiful images are always possible.
I am far more in control when in my studio - I love fabric and what it can bring to an image as a backdrop. My great-grandmother, grandmother and mother were seamstresses. Mom had a cabinet full of fabric and sewing supplies when I was little and I grew to like how fabric could play with light or create a mood. That appreciation, paired with my love of DIY led me to create my own backdrops and props.
These are a few of the fabrics I use for backdrops or props. I pulled a few, as I have a closet full of backdrops and props! In here is a is a gray and a brown faux suede that have amazing properties with light. There's also a piece of white fabric that drapes almost like liquid - perfect for boudoir. My favorite background that I've added over the last few months though is my black microvelvet. I call it my 'zero black' because I can shoot a ton of light around it and it absorbs every bit of it, allowing me to isolate my subject better. It can be pricey, but if you wait for sales (and can give it a go at piecing together large panels) you can save a lot and have a background that will last for years.
When I moved here to work for WTVD in 1999, I had the opportunity to become a second soprano for the most amazing symphonic choral organization: the Choral Society of Durham. This group is not a professional singing organization however, they are far from amateur in their singing.
Since I am posting here about classical music, I should mention that while much of my life until maybe 5 years ago or so was spent practicing and performing music - either as a member of a choral group or as a violinist - I am far from having the ability to speak in a sophisticated manner about music. My professional writing style is more journalistic and folksy. Many souls I've encountered in classical music seem far better equipped to speak of nuances, composition, performance technicality, history, etc. What you'll read here is more the 'life from my shoes' point of view.
Under the direction of Dr. Rodney Wynkoop, this group of dedicated musicians practices as an ensemble weekly, but their music is never far out of reach the other hours of the week. Their concert calendar consists of very demanding repertoire and not one member wants to get 'the look' from Rodney for missing something. All are rewarded when concert week arrives and those sounds merge together to form an unforgettable experience.
I left the group years ago as far as a performing member, but remained a friend. Now I'm have the unique privilege of being a business partner and most recently, the latest to join their fellowship of concert photographers.
If you're in North Carolina and have not heard this group, you really need to. Its a rare joy.
This was the picture of me that my dad carried in his wallet until the day he left us.
My dad passed away just as cellphones became the rage. As I write this I am not totally convinced he would have liked them had he the chance to use the 'handheld computer to the ear' like we have now.
I say that having taken in good deal of consideration. My dad loved talking to people, and throughout all the years I grew up in suburban Chicago I remember him as a person-to-person, talking-over-coffee kind of guy; but not someone who would use a phone unless he had to (but he *did* have a phone installed in our bathroom as I recall..so he kept his bases covered well for those 'have to' circumstances!).
But what do we use our phones for these days, anyway? If you're like me, its not just a tool for communication. Mine holds thousands of photos that I many times forget I have.
Our basement had metal boxes with tins of movies but I don't recall ever watching them. Our house was destroyed by fire when I was 10 (hence the smoke on the photo) so there was little chance of discovering who my parents really were before I and my three siblings came along.
My dad carried only a few photos in his wallet. The one you see there is my baby picture. He never replaced it with updated photos and I was 30, had been working radio and tv, moved about a half-dozen times, and married by the time he passed away!
There are tons of photos of us growing up. They were kept in shoeboxes or albums but dad didn't have to look at photos of how we changed or what we did over the years.
And that's because I believe he just kept what was important to him close to him..in his memories and his wallet. No keeping batteries charged, no downloading or apps. No scrolling. Just his 'dad cloud.'
It didn't work, but I didn't care. I loved the way it felt in my hand. I loved the idea that I could look at anything in front of me on any given day and with a press of a button ... Voila! I could now have that moment to look at anytime I wanted to.... I could capture a moment in time and hold it always!
That Brownie gave way to instamatics (remember those square flash bulbs that rotated? How many shots were we limited to?)and then disc cameras (I learned about double-exposure with those things because the discs didn't have a beginning or an end..so I had some of the weirdest ...and coolest.. pictures from the drugstore!) and lots of fun little cameras I just considered tools to remember time spent with people around me.
I love having this as a means to connect others with and share this life!
These days I live in Durham with my family and I happily shoot portraits, families and events.
We took in my mother-in-law's dog, Max, last year. Our cat, Nolan, is none too thrilled about it. You can follow their journey on their facebook page (The Max and Nolan Project). I instagram as BarrowImages.
I was able to make a transition from life in front of the camera to one behind the lens in 2013 mostly due to John Carter of Perfect Day Images. He very generously allowed me a chance to begin an education in professional photography for which I am incredibly grateful. I consider it an honor any time I get a chance to shoot for him and for Ravinder Tukrar of Maadhurya Photography. They are incredible mentors!
I consider every day a joy and every opportunity a chance to develop more as a photographer. I hope I can someday share that joy with you as you step in front of my lens :-)
We take a puddle and turn it into a reflective pool, or magically change a bed sheet into a diffuser.
I rediscovered the joy of DIY with photography when I wanted to make my own large diffusers. I didnt have the money to get one that was sturdy enough so I took money I earned from a shoot and went straight to the fabric store and bought fabric. Mom's old sewing machine took a beating from me as I learned to use it, but this huge square piece of fabric turned out lovely..... I just couldn't make a decent frame, lol!
That was a few years ago. Mom's old sewing machine gave way to a sturdier beast of a machine that weighs a ton and I troll resale shops as I work on new projects. Resale shops are magnificent for crafters. Let me tell you about the rocking horse I saved.
It was a solid wood rocking horse with a mangled tail and mane. Well-made and well-loved. It was looking for a new home.
I got it for almost nothing and found some perfect rope, fabric, and leather, and voila! a great baby photography prop or accessory for a shoot.
I'm working on other projects, so stay tuned!
I had a wonderful opportunity to photograph a good friend of mine who has won yet another natural bodybuilding title from 'Musclemania.' His impressive collection of trophies bears witness to his life's message.. that you get out of life what you put into it - rewards and positive relationships arise not from shortcuts; but rather from honesty, dedication, and just plain sweat equity.
Many.... Many images!
That means hours in front of the computer evaluating which ones stay, which ones go, which ones get edited, etc. So, after looking at images of the gown, the couple, the ceremony, I came across this little gem. It's the bride and groom with his mom. There is something to be said for the joy one experiences when catching a great moment like this! :-)
'This is definitely a one of a kind. A Castle in ruins...' Tri-Star Realty Listing Agent: Carl Wuestehube ....
Say the word ' castle' in North Carolina, and the immediate thought is of the famous one that overlooks the Blue Ridge mountains.
Take a short drive north of Durham, and you just might see a view that would bring about a reaction as powerful as the view of the Biltmore... only this would be of heartbreak rather than of awe.
This entry from the website, ' opendurham.org' shows the magnificent beginning of the story of this home.
Flash forward to 2013, it is a structure partially exposed to the elements after being ravaged by the thoughtless actions of total strangers.
Windows are broken. The main floor is covered with debris. There are actually clothes on hangers near a mattress.. a squatter? Outside, construction materials surround the home / studio. I don't think the owner ever got to the point of installing utilities to the house, but it appears steps were taken to prepare for that next move.
It is in desperate need of a good boarding-up to protect it , and I had to fight the urge to do that many times myself. I was there to document, and that was it.
I saw prior reports on the web that this place was beyond repair. I'll tell you that from what I saw I believe there is a good possibility it can still be completed and become a viable home/studio for someone. There does appear to be some development of effects due to moisture, but that should be determined by tests. I'm not a construction expert, but the framing still looked solid, and the only way I can truly express how the woodwork was done beyond the framing stage is to say , 'this place has good bones.' It looks like it has been built like a tank, or in this case, a fortress.
The details that will stop you in your tracks are the rooftop, the lovely but quirky design of the windows , and the stunning upper level ceiling woodwork you can view from outside. They bring warmth , depth, and order ... especially when there is the stark contrast of disarray below. Its obvious when looking at this place the care and attention to detail there must have been in the blueprints. You can easily imagine how light would enter and fill the space; how life would breathe through here without barriers. I sincerely hope this home will be completed and glow with happiness and warmth very soon.
We were in Milton this weekend and had a rare opportunity to see inside this former bank building turned residence. The bank vault holds an interesting surprise! The full blog, coming up.....
2013 nc state fair commemorative quilt project.. if you wondered why some quilts are handed down rather than given away, you'd have your answer if you saw the work involved in just *getting this project started*... this particular quilt will be completed in the village of yesteryear only during the first 2 days of the fair, so come see this heartfelt labor of love as its stitched before your eyes!
More raw video clips from this project can be found on the BarrowImages You Tube channel
I had the most wonderful time watching people preparing for the State Fair. Hubby and I walked around and met some of those wonderful people and got to learn about their interests and causes.
One artist we met was MaryJo Stephenson of Mary Jo's Studio. She will be exhibiting her garden art in the garden exhibit area. Its a lovely area to see creativity and for the kids to play.
We also got to see something we never saw before ... the village of yesteryear building nearly empty.. as you know if you've been to the fair, its nearly impossible to get decent elbow room during the fair, as there are so many artists there and so much to see!
One element of the village will be undergoing a transformation.. you might always see the old loom (documented back to the 1800s) in the village building, but we had an opportunity to speak to Pamela Earp who said after this year's fair, this amazing piece will be undergoing a very costly restoration. You can actually help with this effort when you come to the fair. Bring a few extra dollars and plan to donate those to the project. Scott Mason (The Tar Heel Traveller) will be focusing one of his stories on WRAL on this loom, so be looking for it in the coming week or so.
Just had time for a quick post this morning..will be returning to the Village Monday afternoon to see a beautiful quilt being put on a frame. I will not only photograph but will have video / audio fusion to show. Be looking for that!
The latest company to partner with us is GraphiStudio of Italy. Known for their luxurious albums, GraphiStudio has become the industry standard of quality wedding albums.
The images I copyright here on BarrowImages are not just images that have a label here - they bear a copyright from the US Copyright office. I sumbit my published images on a monthly basis. Not only does this mean your image is preserved in the Library of Congress, it protects my work from theft on a higher level.
Should you see one of my images on someone else's website, please let me know. It keeps everyone honest, it preserves the integrity of the craft and business of photography,and it helps keep my prices low.
Best of all, should what you spot lead to a copyright infringement award for BarrowImages, I can give you a reward. :-)
This applies to you if you are in Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill NC:
I am a photographer who finally has some time to do some giving back. What I would like is if area ministers would let me know of people who would appreciate ( but could not afford on their own) a family portrait, engagement photo session, or a day of wedding photography, no charge. I would shoot and develop, and then we'll arrange downloads from my website at no charge to the family.
I am limited with the number of sessions I can do at the moment, but let's see what we can do for now. The reason I am asking ministers to contact me is because I would ask that we do the sessions at your houses of worship.
I'm hoping to do some serious giving back, so ministers, please contact me at [email protected] and please put 'photos' in the subject line.
My nearly 30-year career as a radio & tv broadcaster (most of it as a meteorologist) came to an abrupt halt three days ago, when management called me into an office, closed the door and uttered those three words, 'We're not renewing,' followed by, 'you are relieved of your duties immediately.'
It didn't come as a total surprise. Earlier this year I was in a meeting with one of my bosses regarding my upcoming renewal. Up until that day, whenever discussion came up about my tenure at work, I always heard the phrase, ' We really like what you do, and we would like nothing better than your doing that here forever.'
However, at that particular meeting ....... it was never uttered. Nothing close to it.
Today, 3 days later, I sit at my desk and update resumes. I register at temporary agencies. I submit applications to jobs that appear in the gazillion e-mails that online employment agencies send after making you give up your email to see their listings. I keep busy so that fear won't get in my head and remove my drive and confidence.
I am also editing photos; photos of a few assignments from a local magazine. Aside from my relationship with 'The Man Upstairs' and spending time with my husband, this is what brings me happiness. For me, the chance to photograph people for this magazine was one of those brass rings I'd often dreamt of grabbing. I had only recently started taking my photography seriously. I had been one of those people who loved the feel of a camera since the day my folks gave me an old Brownie. I took pictures, but never had a clue about composition, light... anything. Then, out of the blue one day, I had the urge to take the cameras out and shoot. I never put them away after that and I devour anything and everything I can to make my photographs better each day.
Today's economy requires our household to have 2 streams of income, so I work urgently to find one for my contribution. Two things I know I will demand of myself: after 13 years of working weekends, I must not work weekends. The other is that I have fun with my photography business. I don't know how successful I'll be tomorrow, but today all my friends and family are safe and healthy. We have our needs met and the bills paid. I hold a camera and a cheque should be coming in the mail. Life is blessed.