Hello and thanks for stopping by! I hope you've enjoyed looking through the images I've provided for you and that you're here because you'd like to see more or need more information. Before you scroll down to learn some of the basics, here are a couple of reasons to visit regularly and share this site with your friends:


1) 'Model' calls. Whats that? My philosophy is you should not pay me to practice on a new piece of equipment or perfect a shooting style. Occasionally I need fresh faces to work out the kinks on new ideas, so I look for *you* as my models and for your time, I give you edited digital images from our shoot (and possibly pay per hour)! 



2) Charities, Military, Veterans, Law-enforcement: Because you do for others, you deserve something in return. Please contact me for more information.




Okay, back to business:

Prices posted are base prices and do not include NC sales tax. Offerings and prices are subject to change. 


All Photography Clients receive include custom photographic retouching, 6-Months password-protected hosting on 'BarrowImages.com.' Wedding and event packages include Photographer's travel up to 120 Mile round-trip to your location / locations. 


1) 25% 'Reserve our Time' Booking fee required to hold your date (non-refundable). Please note that I do not put you on my schedule / hold your chosen date until you and I have a signed contract and you've fully paid your booking fee.
2) Payment in full required by 24 hours prior to your shoot (except for mini-sessions. Payment due day of shoot).
3) Applicable taxes and shipping not included in posted prices.
4) Location permits / fees not included. Locations requiring permits / fees may affect our options for your shoot, but we can look into other location options.

**With the exception of my work for hire (Photo companies who hold their own copyright ), I reserve the rights and copyright to my photos, and they are registered with the library of congress. Reproduction without expressed permission is prohibited**

For More Information: [email protected]